All The Parallels Between 'Midnights' & Taylor Swift's Old Songs: 'Reputation', '1989' & More
25 October 2022, 13:29
Taylor Swift has littered 'Midnights' with Easter eggs to her previous eras, let's unpack all the similarities between the new songs in her discography.
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We've all been in a 'Midnights' daze since Taylor Swift treated us to not just 13, but 20 brand-new songs with the release of her anticipated tenth studio album.
On October 21, the day we had all been waiting for rolled around and, of course, the 32-year-old songstress had plenty up her sleeve.
It didn't take long for the Swiftie commentary to come rolling in, and just as we had expected in the run-up to the release, Taylor calls back to many of her previous eras with 'Midnights'.
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We went through the album – and the 3 AM Edition – with a fine-toothed comb and found all the parallels between her songs new and old...
Spoiler: There are a lot of similarities to '1989', 'Reputation' and 'Folklore' eras – aren't we lucky!

Taylor Swift reveals how Dylan O’Brien ended up playing drums on Midnights
'Lavender Haze' and 'I Think He Knows'
Tiktok has been teeming with comparisons of 'Midnights' introductory track 'Lavendar Haze' and the upbeat 'Lover' number, 'I Think He Knows'.
Taylor's stunning falsetto hits those satisfyingly whispering high notes in both choruses, fans couldn't help but compare the cheerful melodies.
The 'Lavender Haze X I Think He Knows' mash-ups have come thick and fast and we can't get enough!
— nicholai (@2AMevermore) October 21, 2022
'Maroon' and 'King of My Heart'
With a discography as expansive as Taylor's, it's only natural that the pop icon would reference and repeat certain melodic inflections – we love a self-referential queen.
Swifties couldn't help but notice the symmetry between the buoyant lyrics of 'Maroon' and 'King of My Heart' from her 'Reputation' era, particularly the lines:
"Your roommate's cheap-a** screw-top rosé" / "My broken bones are mending"
Can you hear it?
i like when maroon jumps in its king of my heart cadence.. that's cute cmon self reference
— zae (@itszaeok) October 21, 2022
'Snow at The Beach' and 'Illicit Affairs'
We'd all been on the edge of our seats waiting for Taylor's collaboration with none other than Lana Del Rey!
The two retro queens joined forces on 'Snow at The Beach' and the titular line of the chorus calls back to the hauntingly beautiful 'Illicit Affairs', from 2020's 'Folklore'.
"Don't call me kid / Don't call my baby / Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me"
We want to sing, scream, and chant both of these delicately anthemic songs.
"And it's like snow at the beach / Weird, but f****n' beautiful"
'Question...?' and 'Out of The Woods'
We all spotted this iconic sample straight away!
Taylor used the instantly recognisable line from 2014's bop 'Out of The Woods', 'Question...?' begins with the reference as a manipulated vocal sings "I remember" steeped in reverb.
Which leads us to our next question... has Taylor officially recorded 'Out of The Woods (Taylor's Version)' for the re-recording of '1989'?
“Question…?” begins with the lyric “I remember” and follows with the same exact melody, tone, and background beat and vocals playing throughout the whole song as Out of The Woods! It seems as if she sampled OOTW (her version?), for this one! 🤯 #TSMidnighTS
— Zainub Amir (@zainubamir) October 21, 2022
'You're On Your Own, Kid' and 'Call It Watch You Want' and 'right where you left me'
'You’re on Your Own, Kid' has become a fast favourite since the album's record-breaking release, with many believing Taylor drew from another 'Reputation' track when she penned this cinematic bop.
Music-wise, 'Midnights'' track five and 'Call it What You Want' differ quite dramatically, but there are lyrical parallels that we couldn't help but notice.
In that momentous 'YOYOK' bridge, she sings: "'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned”
She channels this 'CIWTW' line : "Bridges burn, I never learn; at least I did one thing right”
In 'Evermore's 'right where you left me' Taylor sings another line about book leaves: "Pages turn and stick to each other"
You’re On Your Own, Kid/ Call It What You Want/ Right Where You Left Me
— jaegerista (@alunada___) October 24, 2022
'Karma' and 'Look What You Made Me Do'
We all knew the moment that Taylor announced this song during 'Midnights Mayhem with Me' that 'Karma' was going to ooze revenge vibes – circa 2017.
There's a long-debated theory that Taylor scrapped an album that should have been released between '1989' and 'Reputation', many theorise it would have been titled 'Karma'!
In 'Look What You Made Me Do', the musician famously sings: "All I think about is karma"
Karmic retribution continues with track 11, with lyrics like: "'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare / Of everyone you burned just to get there"
Taylor's not playing!
'The Great War' and 'Betty'?
'The Great War' is the first bonus track Swift treated us to with 'Midnights (3am Edition)', she begins those extra seven songs with a bang!
The tune's chorus calls back to one of the most beloved songs on Taylor's now-iconic 'Folklore' release – of course, it's 'Betty'.
"All that blood shed, crimson, clover / Uh-huh, sweet dream was over / My hand was the one you reached for / All throughout the Great War"
Give it a listen and tell us if it's giving you 'Betty' bridge vibes, because we can't unhear this one!
"She said 'James, get in, let's drive' / Those days turned into nights / Slept next to her, but / I dreamt of you all summer long"
the great war sounds like betty
— Khent. Stream midnights!!! (@khntrvn) October 25, 2022
'Would've, Could've, Should've' and 'I Know Places' and 'Dear John'
'Would've, Could've, Should've' is a heartbreaking song that explores relationship regret, and melodically gives us a taste of '1989'.
The respective choruses share undeniable similar cadences, with the 'Midnights' song giving a more melancholy rendition of a tune we already recognise from 'I Know Places'.
But it doesn't end there! Many fans have pointed out that not only is 'Would've, Could've, Should've' track 19, but Taylor writes about being 19.
Another song where she famously talks about being wronged romantically at that tender age is – you guessed it – 'Dear John', which hails from Taylor's 'Speak Now' album from 2010.
Over 10 years ago, the young singer-songwriter penned the line: "Don’t you think nineteen is too young to be played by your dark twisted games, when I loved you so?"
In her latest drop, she sings: "And I damn sure would've never danced with the devil at 19"
Taylor writing a song about John Mayer at the same age he was when he dated her is so powerful.
— Tori Soli from Tik Tok (@tori_soli) October 22, 2022
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve is truly Dear John (Taylor’s Version)
Hear the parallels for yourself above, TikTok has been overcome with Swiftie content since the release of everyone's favourite autumn listen – it's even become somewhat of a trend.
Creators have put together side-by-side comparisons of the samples, similarities and references – take a listen!
Knowing the genius that is Taylor, we've probably missed some – what Swift parallels have you spotted?
> Here Are All The Ways You Can Listen To Capital