Black Lives Matter: How To Help With BLM Without Donating Money
4 June 2020, 11:28 | Updated: 4 June 2020, 12:13
There are numerous funds where you can donate money, sign petitions and support the Black Lives Matter movement and here’s how to donate to BLM without money.
Following the tragic killing of George Floyd, there have been protests happening around the world to support the Black Lives Matter movement.
There are numerous petitions you can sign in support of fighting against the injustice against black lives and people have now been wondering how to get involved in donating to BLM without money, for those who are tight for cash at the moment.
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So how can I donate to BLM with no money?

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How to donate to BLM with no money
Makeup artist and YouTuber Zoe Amira came up with an innovative way to help people donate to the anti-racism movement if you’re out of pocket.
The 20-year-old beauty influencer has uploaded a monetised video on YouTube, which is just under an hour long and has compiled a series of art and music by black creators - it has also already received over 7million views!
The idea behind the video is that since it is filled with advertisements, Zoe asks that you don’t skip the adverts so that the video makes money and she will donate all proceeds to the list of funds mentioned at the start of the video, including bail funds for protestors, funds for family funerals of those who have sadly lost their lives and a few others.

how to financially help BLM with NO MONEY/leaving your house (Invest in the future for FREE)
The video description reads: "This video project was created to offer people a way to donate and financially contribute to #blacklivesmatter without having any actual money or going out to protest themselves.
"Investing in our future can be difficult for young people, so 100% of the advertisement revenue this video makes through AdSense will be donated to the associations that offer protester bail funds, help pay for family funerals, and advocacy listed in the beginning of the video.
"PLEASE share this video, make sure to leave the ads running, repeat the video, and let people know about this easy way to help. In addition to watching this video, here are some petitions to sign in relation to these tragic losses and other ways to help.”
Zoe then went on to list a number of petitions you can sign to help to support BLM, in the description of the video.
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