Halsey Asks Fans Not To Make Fun Of Kanye West’s Bipolar Disorder: 'A Manic Episode Isn’t A Joke'

21 July 2020, 10:02

Halsey has opened up about her own struggles with bipolar disorder.
Halsey has opened up about her own struggles with bipolar disorder. Picture: PA images

Halsey has been open about her personal struggles with bipolar disorder in the past.

Halsey has asked fans not to make fun of Kanye West’s mental state while opening up about her own experiences with bipolar, insisting ‘a manic episode isn’t a joke’.

The ‘Nightmare’ singer made the comments on Twitter shortly after Kanye ranted about abortion at his first presidential rally in the US and said he 'almost killed his daughter.'

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Halsey has spoken out on Twitter.
Halsey has spoken out on Twitter. Picture: instagram

He’s since tweeted and deleted a series of posts claiming his wife, Kim Kardashian, tried to ‘lock me up like on the movie Get Out’.

However, Halsey has asked fans to put their ‘personal opinions’ aside and refrain from making ‘offensive remarks’ which ‘vilify people with mental illness’.

She said: “No jokes right now. I have dedicated my career to offering education and insight about bipolar disorder and I’m so disturbed by what I’m seeing. Personal opinions about someone aside, a manic episode isn’t a joke. If you can’t offer understanding or sympathy, offer your silence.

“A lot of people you know probably have bipolar disorder and you aren’t aware of it. Taking this opportunity to make offensive remarks and villify people with mental illnesses is really not the way to go... this is the exact triggering sh*t that causes people to keep quiet about it.

“You can hate someone’s actions or opinions without contributing to stigma that damages an entire community of sometimes vulnerable people all for a couple of laughs.

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“If you wanna think someone is an a**hole, go ahead. Lots of people with mental illnesses are great. Lots of them are a**holes. Because they are people. With nuanced personalities. But making jokes specifically targeted towards bipolar hurts more than the 1 person ur angry with.

“Sincerely, Human Being with a Decade Long Bipolar Diagnosis.”

Halsey confirmed she had bipolar in a 2015 interview with Elle and she’s been open about it ever since.

She told the publication: "It just kind of feels right to say it here, so I'm going to go ahead: I have bipolar disorder. I've never talked about that in an interview before. I never brought it up. A lot of people I work with probably don't know it. I think this a good time to talk about it. It's just like, I was diagnosed when I was 16 or 17. My mom has it, too.”

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