You Can Now DM Us On Facebook To Chat ALL Things Music, #CapitalSTB & More
22 May 2017, 17:05 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Another way for you to NEVER miss out on any big news!
The moment Cheryl revealed she was pregnant, who was there for you? When Justin Bieber dropped 'Where Are Ü Now', who made sure you could listen to it pronto?! US of course!
We've always got your backs AND now there's a brand new way for you to make sure you never miss out on the biggest news. So...go on...give it a go!
FAQs: Got A Question About Our Summertime Ball 2017? Step This Way...
Maybe the next time we contact you, Roman Kemp will be getting a tattoo from Ed Sheeran? Or we'll have a Mariachi band playing Harry Styles' tweets to Harry Styles...oh no, that already happened, but you weren't subscribed to our Facebook chat were you?! What are you waiting for?!
An A-Z Of The Things That You Absolutely Cannot Forget To Bring To Capital's Summertime Ball
We'll serve you up the biggest news stories of the day as well as news on all of our incredible events throughout the year and trust us, if there's a BIG breaking news story, we'll make sure you don't miss it.
Aaaaaand at the end of the day, if you just want us to serve you up some sweet Capital GIFs, we've got a massive load of them ready to share with you.