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29 March 2018, 12:41
Selena has now turned off the comments on her March For Our Lives posts after huge backlash.
Selena Gomez was pretty active on Instagram over the weekend, sharing pictures and stories from March For Our Lives, a rally that took place in various cities across the US in support of common sense gun laws. She posted snaps of herself at the rally, alongside various posters and signs from other protesters.
But she's now being called a "hypocrite" by fans and followers for using one particular hashtag on the pictures...
People aren't all that impressed with Selena's audacity to include the '#notjustahashtag' hashtag on her posts, in fact, they're pretty pissed off about it. Why? Well...
Back in 2016, Selena waded into the Taylor vs. Kimye Snapchat beef and urged people to talk about more important things and "use their voice something that fucking matters" instead. She was right! But, at the time, she hadn't exactly been doing that herself.
A Twitter user rightfully called her out on it and asked why, if that was the case, hadn't she used her voice to support the Black Lives Matter movement or speak out publicly about issue of police brutality on her influential social media accounts. Her response? "Oh lol so if I hashtag something, that means it will save lives?' (Selena did apologise and explain what she meant by those tweets soon after.)
Smash cut to two years later... #notjustahashtag, huh?
THE HYPOCRISY đź’€ pic.twitter.com/EjXNc3UQhe
— denis |-90| (@sexydirtygames_) March 24, 2018
People are calling her out for hypocrisy because her previous comments seemed to construe that the Black Lives Matter was literally just a hashtag. There were marches, there were peaceful protests, supporters did everything we'd seen over the past month with MFOL but on a much smaller, less publicised scale.
Selena's sudden urge to point out that this particular movement isn't "just an Instagram post" has rightfully got people's backs up.
When it came down to BLM, Selena was all, “Why can't people use their voice for something that fucking matters” and “Oh lol so that means if I hashtag something I save lives?”
— Ů‹ (@fckwhoregui) March 24, 2018
And has the audacity to use #notjustahashtag lmao she will never have my respect https://t.co/Zs6uiuE1IL
So Selena Gomez said March For Our Lives is more than just a hashtag but when it came to blm movement she reduced the whole cause to just a hashtag....girl...
— Celina ✨ (@akuchuus) March 26, 2018
Selena Gomez saying that “hashtags don’t save lives” about blm but then going all out for march for our lives and saying “ it’s not just a hashtag” says a lot about her character lmao. It’s very clear that these non black celebs only show out for certain people and movements.
— đź•Š (@vaIcntino) March 26, 2018
Bitch so did many black people. You think their families and friends aren’t suffering because they were unjustly killed? Fuck this fake ass, performative activism bullshit.
— đź•Š (@vaIcntino) March 26, 2018
I love Selena Gomez but how could you say “not just a hash tag” for #marchforourlives when someone once asked about supporting #black lives matter and you shut them down saying a hashtag ain’t shit basically... like how sway, how.
— ash (@ashleysgr8) March 24, 2018
selena gomez really just said “not just a hashtag” after saying the #BlackLivesMatter movement was just a hashtag? sis..... pic.twitter.com/dH5piwnqy9
— angela 🍒 (@wickedzarry) March 24, 2018