14 Of Our Absolute FAVE Moments From One Direction’s New ’Drag Me Down’ Video
21 August 2015, 06:59 | Updated: 22 August 2015, 06:13

One Direction - Drag Me Down
Check out these AMAZING GIFs fresh from the premiere of the 1D boys’ brand new music video for their next single.
One Direction are no strangers to pretty much causing the Internet to implode with their music, antics and basically ANYTHING they do - so it’s not surprising the arrival of their new music video today (21st August) caused JUST that to happen!
WATCH: 1D's 'Drag Me Down' Video
Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall are back with a bang - and they’re blasting off into space in the new promo for ‘Drag Me Down’, taking on the role of four super-sexy astronauts getting ready to launch.
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We cannot get enough of the new 1D video to celebrate their FIRST offering as a four-piece - and because it’s everyone’s favourite boy band - check out our 14 top moments from ‘Drag Me Down’ below:
1. And it begins… the camera pans back and fans finally get a glimpse of their four favourite boys in action. ALREADY SWOONING!
2. The moment Niall got JUST a little off course swinging around in his zero gravity style harness. We don’t blame you Niall… those things can be tricky!
3. Louis’ SUPER sassy grin gets us every time and you just know he’s loving EVERY minute of this video shoot. #LovingLife
4. The time Liam gave the camera a SERIOUSLY angry stare… and we tried desperately not to get over-excited.
5. Move over… it looks like Hazza’s found himself a NEW BFF. Seeing him becoming a robot’s bezzie mate pretty much gives us a whole bunch of new #FriendshipGoals.
6. Is there even a SINGLE moment Niall isn’t crotch-grabbing in this video? Nope? Fine with us!
7. Who else LOVED the moment Niall basically looked like he was going to explode on the spot. THE PASSION!
8. Oh Liam… just casually vaulting around in a tight white vest. What are you DOING to us?!
9. Liam gives the camera his ‘right, now I REALLY mean business’ face and it was basically everything…
10. The moment all four 1D boys perfectly stood up in unison as if to say… come on, let’s DO this thaaaang!
11. When Harry got a little carried away chasing the camera around. SUCH a nutter!
12. That time Harry looked like he was enjoying himself JUST a little too much…
13. When Liam stared for SO long it actually became a tad uncomfortable to watch. Only a tad, though.
14. And finally… when Harry waved goodbye… for the last time? To infinity… and BEYOND!
So there you have it, our FAVE moments from the amazing new ‘Drag Me Down’ music video from One Direction. PHEW! Now… what was YOUR best bit?