9 Reasons Why Brooklyn & David Beckham Have The Most Amazing Father & Son Relationship
20 June 2016, 14:06 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

They both have millions of fans worldwide, but it is the bond between both Brooklyn & David that makes us go AWWW.
We can all agree that David Beckham is one of the sexiest men alive right? YUP! But, it is the fact that he's one of the most passionate Dads we know that puts him in a whole new league of his own.
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Let's have a look at how the pair are just too adorable...
Brooklyn posted this throwback snap for Father's Day 2016 and it was beautiful!
Here they are rocking out to a Stone Roses gig as if they're just a pair blokey mates!
That moment David reminded Brooklyn who was the boss of social media.
But Brooklyn got his payback eventually when the former Man United star fell asleep...
They also strike a mean selfie together. So much cuteness in one photo, we can't handle it!
Even if you're one of the most famous men alive, there's always time to let your little boy drive you around.

But at the end of the day, there's only ever going to be one man truly in the driving seat...
David takes pride in both Brooklyn's accomplishments...
And his failures...
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So here is to ALL the amazing fathers and sons of the world (especially if they're as sweet as these two).