If You're A Member Of A Seriously Annoying WhatsApp Group Chat, Then The New Update Will Make You SO Angry
20 September 2016, 13:45 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

It literally doesn't even matter if it's muted.
Everyone is a part of a WhatsApp group with someone who is a little TOO keyboard happy and sends one too many annoying messages.
And it’s normal that at that precise moment, you tend to mute the group. For 8 hours, a week or a full on year - depends on how annoying they are really.
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But now, it seems as though even if you muted those annoying conversations, you may still get a notification.
The app has secretly introduced a brand new feature that works just like tagging someone on Twitter.
To enable it, you simply start the message in a group chat with ‘@‘ and then you’ll see all the contacts in your phone pop up. That then means that the person tagged will get a notification of your message - regardless of whether the group is muted.
Also with the latest update is the ability to quote messages to make it clear which message you’re replying to, because, let’s face facts, who can EVER keep up with all the gossip in a girls WhatsApp group?