WhatsApp's New Update Is A Bit Creepy But Will Be Handy For Busting Your BFF's Who Cancel Plans On You
18 October 2017, 15:25 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10
There are pros and cons.
You’re not going to be able to get out of those Friday night plans in lieu of Netflix and Chill’ing, thanks to WhatsApp's new impending update.
It’s going to let you track your friend’s location.
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Which means a Tuesday night out and pulling a sickie on the Wednesday is also off the cards as your boss may well know you were out and about having a lovely time.
The app is getting a new “live location” sharing feature which will allow users to share their location in real-time with the friends that they’re chatting with.
Whilst the app has previously had a location-sharing feature, it only allowed you to pinpoint your current position. Now, users will be able to be tracked as they move.
The feature will allow others to view your exact location for fifteen minutes, an hour or eight hours at a time.
Whilst it sounds a little creepy, WhatsApp have said that it’s a ‘simple and secure way to let people know where you are’.
Thankfully, it’s end-to-end encrypted and users can end the location sharing before the designated time period is over if they want to.
Not sure how we feel about this but it’ll definitely be handy to know when our friends have bailed on Friday night plans to go home and watch TV.
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