You Might Want To Ask Your Boss For A Payrise If You're Gonna Buy Something From Kylie Jenner's New Lip Kit Range
2 August 2017, 16:38 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10
So excessively expensive.
If you’re totally into baby pink vibes, then you’re probably going to fangirl quite hard over Kylie Jenner’s new collection for Kylie Cosmetics.
The new range will be in honour of Kylie’s 20th birthday and is home to a whole new range of beauty products.
> WATCH: Kylie Jenner Unfollowed All Her Old Friends & The Reason Is Actually A Little Sad
However, if you’ve already made you’re mind up that you need every single item then it might be worth asking your boss for that much deserved payrise because it might cost you a pretty penny.
One lipstick could cost you $60.
Yep. $60. Which is roughly 3.5x the prize than the regular lip kits, BUT this one does have diamond-esque stones glued to the lid which obviously makes it totally worth it.
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