The REAL Scare Factor! 10 Life Problems Brought On By Halloween
29 October 2015, 16:32 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Let's face it Halloween is a scary time of year, but it's not just the trick or treaters you have to watch out for...
Whether you're going out or staying in we've unearthed ten REAL fears everyone at some point encounters over Halloween, and they're pretty scary indeed.
Trick or treating? There's always that one neighbour with sweets as hard as rocks. Going out? Good luck getting there, public transport is maybe the most genuinely terrifying part of the're going to want to wish you stayed in.
Here are the Halloween fears we've identified as being perhaps even MORE horrific than Halloween itself.
Couples costumes highlighting how single you are
When you misinterpret the theme of the party
The fear no one will get your costume
Being forced to dance to some terribly cheesy playlist
Trying to get the make up off at the end of the night
The looks...
There's always that one neighbour
26 Best Halloween Costume Ideas: The Spookiest Outfit Ideas
Not sleeping for a week
Everyone suddenly starts doing THIS
The reality of trying to carve your pumpkin
However we wouldn't ever want to change it!