This Brazillian Dog's Imepcable Twerk Will Almost Definitely Put Yours To Shame - WATCH

10 February 2016, 12:10 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Twerking Dog Asset

Move over Miley, there's a new Twerker in Town.

If you're having a bit of a naff day, nothing will cheer you up more than the sheer look of happiness on this little dog's face, absolutely LOVING life, bumpin'n'grindin' up against a wall. 

It's almost as if he was born to twerk and he bloody well knows it. 


Aqui na Maria Antonieta é assim, até o cachorro dança racheiiiii kkkk...

Posted by Lucelia Lucelia on Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Take a look around you next time you're in Oceana and you're almost guaranteed to see worst moves than our four-legged hero. 


Please can someone put R Kelly's Bump N' Grind over the top of this and chuck it into a Vine? We'd do it ourselves we're just a bit lazy tbh. 

Twerkin Dog Viral

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