Blue Monday Getting You Down? 11 Ways Cope With The Most Depressing Day Of The Year
19 January 2015, 10:53 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10
We're well into the first month of 2015 now but *shock horror*, Blue Monday has arrived! Don't let the legendary MOST depressing day of the year get you down, because we've got you covered...
Cue the dramatic music, because Blue Monday has arrived! Yes, it's that time of year again to endure the MOST depressing day of the year. But fear not because we've pulled together a handy list of tips to help you beat the blues.
So forget about all those (failing) New Year's Resolutions, stop worrying about your LACK of progress on the fitness front, and let yourself perk up with our guide to saying HELL NO to Blue Monday...
1. Taylor Swift made it VERY clear in 2014 that we all need to 'Shake It Off' sometimes - and that includes struggling through the January blues! Although you can probably do it less awkwardly than Miss Swift...
2. Yes, we know it's basically ALWAYS raining right now. Sadly there's just no escaping it, so we think it's time to start owning it. Less of this...
And more of THIS please. #WorkingIt.
3. It's the perfect time to invest in some new hobbies, a la Nicki Minaj! Someone please direct us to the nearest booty shaped golf course ASAP.
4. Of course, if golf isn't your cup of tea, why don't you try a bit of cheerleading like Harry Styles? Boy makes it look GOOOOOD.
5. Anyone struggling to keep up with those pesky New Year's Resolutions? Why not try switching up your look? You could channel your inner Cheryl, Demi or even Miley. The girl's had so many looks, the options are ENDLESS.
6. While everyone else is posting Instagram pictures of them at the gym, you know what the TRUE key to happiness is during this rough time of year...
7. 2015 is all about positivity! Even if making small talk with your peers sounds worse than, like, EVERYTHING, flashing a smile will instantly make your Blue Monday lull disappear (who cares if it's a fake smile, you're still trying!)
8. But hey, nobody's going to judge you if you choose to spend the rest of the month lying on your sofa and watching Netflix. In fact, we're probably going to join you on that one.
9. If none of that's working, it might be time to book your summer holiday. You could be frolicking on a beach like Rihanna in a mere few WEEKS. You can last until then, right?!
10. You could always take a leaf out of 5SOS' book too, because when in doubt, DANCE. IT. OUT.