Beyonce Unveils New Limited Edition Fragrance To Promote 'The Mrs Carter Show' Tour
13 June 2013, 10:30
As a special treat for fans the US star is launching a new version o her popular fragrance Heat.
Beyonce has unveiled a brand new limited edition fragrance to celebrate her 'The Mrs. Carter Show' world tour.
The 'Love On Top' singer is releasing a fourth perfume as a special edition of her popular 2010 fragrance Heat, and says she wants he new scent to reflect "power, passion and playfulness".
The fragrance is titled 'Beyonce Heat: The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour' and features the tagline "Introducing a new kind of fire…"
"I wanted to give [them] a special remembrance of this tour and I created this scent to reflect the power, passion and playfulness I put into my performances," Beyonce said in a press release to announce the fragrance, which she is releasing as a treat to her fans. "When they walk into a room, I want them to feel like they can leave a lasting impression on everyone they walk past."
Check out a picture of Beyonce's new perfume bottle below (Credit: Facebook):
The new Heat fragrance is said to feature a scene made from mangosteen, jasmine, brassia edvah loo orchid and vanilla.
Beyonce is currently enjoying a break from her world tour before she brings 'The Mrs Carter Show' to North America starting in Los Angeles on 28th June.