The Best 'The End of the F***ing World' Quotes To Use As Instagram Captions
23 January 2018, 12:13
The End of the F***ing World.
Channel 4
By Woodrow Whyte
'The End of the F***ing World' has to be the most quotable show on TV right now.
There are many things to love about The End of the F***ing World but one of the top reasons has to be the script. It is literally jam-packed with Insta caption-worthy zingers and thought-provoking ruminations on life, love, sex, relationships and everything in between.
The show's lead characters, James and Alyssa, played by Alex Lawther and Jessica Barden, take it in turns to narrate the spiralling chaos of their ill-fated road trip together. You catch the tone - bleak, twisted and hilarious - from their opening lines. "I’m James, I’m 17, and I’m pretty sure I’m a psychopath”, offers James by way of a introduction, while Jessica's ballsy first line is a 'treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen' approach to wooing James. "I've seen you skating. You're pretty shit". Needless to say, we were hooked from the get go.
We compiled a few of the standout lines below. Make sure you let us know your favourite quotes from The End of the F***ing World by @'ing us on FB or Twitter.
1. "Sometimes I think I feel more like myself with James than I do on my own."
2. "It's much easier to think that someone's the answer if you haven't seen them for years."
3. "So, what do you wanna do? Because we can literally do anything."
4. "It's so weird when you've wanted something for so long, and you expect it to be shit, but it's not shit."
5. "Sometimes everything is suddenly really simple, You step out and you see where you are really clearly. You see yourself, and you think, ‘Fuck this shit."
6. "If this was a film, we'd probably be American."
7. "Maybe I'm gay. Maybe he's asexual. We’re dealing with a really broad spectrum these days."
8. "That was the day I learned that silence is really loud"
9. "I think he's properly beautiful"
10. "Being with Alyssa had started to make me feel things. She made me feel things. And I didn’t like it at all."
11. “Sometimes James feels like a boy I could love. Like, really love & other times, he feels like a total fucking stranger.”
12. "You can't just make people and then abandon them. They'll think they've done something wrong their entire life."
13. "I will have a great big banana shit with extra fucking cherries all on top of it”
14. "It’s strange. A lot of the time you don’t register the important moments as they happen. You only see that they were important when you look back."
15. "I was never Alyssa’s protector. She was mine."
16. "To be mad in a deranged world is not madness; it’s sanity.”
17. "I've seen you skating. You're pretty shit."
18. "Well then, respect me changing my mind and fuck off please."
19. “I’ve just turned eighteen and I think I understand what people mean to each other.”
20. “I didn’t know where we were going or when I was going to kill her, but I punched my dad in the face and stole his car and that felt like a good place to start.”
21. "As a rule, I didn't dance. But it was hard to say no to Alyssa."
22. “I’m James, I’m 17, and I’m pretty sure I’m a psychopath.”
23. "Last week he said he thought I needed a bigger bra, so I threw a chicken kiev at his head"
24. "I get these moments when I have to lie down because everything feels sort of too much and I look up and see the blue, or the grey, or the black and I feel myself melting into it. And, for like a split second, I feel free. And happy. Innocent. Like a dog, or an alien, or a baby."