“Come 2 Daddy!” - Check Out Our 26 FAVE Tweets From The #CapitalJBB This Year!
9 December 2015, 15:33 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Relive the INCREDIBLE weekend of this year's #CapitalJBB.. through our 26 FAVE tweets!
The Capital Jingle Bell Ball With Coca-Cola is over for another year and it's safe to say our 20 line-up stars blew you ALL away with their incredible performances... but it was on Twitter that their impact REALLY came through!
Check Out ALL The Performances From The #CapitalJBB 2015!
From hilarious tweets about the stars to gushing emotion from super-fans - and even tweets from the artists themselves - check out the 26 tweets the DEFINE the #CapitalJBB 2015.
When Jason Derulo got into a 'Talk Dirty' frame of mind on Twitter and we let him off with it...
Come 2 daddy.. Yea u pic.twitter.com/upD518BVFo
— Jason Derulo (@jasonderulo) December 8, 2015
Because let's face it... he was looking hella hot. And this lady in the front row TOTES agrees with us
@jasonderulo @CapitalOfficial woman on the front row has an expression that says it all! pic.twitter.com/1MWOSCB0XL
— Lois (@lil_miss_lois) December 5, 2015
The Twitter world completely lost their cool when they clocked eyes on The Vamps singer Brad's KILLER smile...
@CapitalOfficial @TheVampsBrad @katshoob HIS SMILE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
— Davina (@DavinaPotter4) December 6, 2015
And it sounds like YouTube stars Lucy and Lydia were LOVING a bit of The Vamps watching them at the weekend!
Last Night YESSSSSS! @TheVampsband #CapitalJBB
— LucyAndLydia (@LucyAndLydia) December 6, 2015
Double act Katy B and Tinie Tempah loved EVERY minute of their joint performance (well, we ALL did!)
Always too much fun performing with this guy! @TinieTempah !! Thanks for having us @CapitalOfficial #capitaljbb pic.twitter.com/4FuDSUBLgd
— KATY B (@KatyB) December 5, 2015
It looks like the feeling is mutual - with Tinie tweeting about his two leading ladies for the night - Jess Glynne and Katy B!
Just finished performing with these two lovelies @capitalofficial @KatyB @JessGlynne #CapitalJBB pic.twitter.com/AFzyN8wkT2
— Tinie Tempah (@TinieTempah) December 5, 2015
Jess Glynne was getting a LOT of love on Twitter - she did perform some MASSIVE number ones TBF
All hail queen @JessGlynne I'll never get bored of hearing tracks from the album live. ALBUM OF THE YEAR @CapitalOfficial #CapitalJBB
— soph (@sophnorton) December 5, 2015
Jess Glynne KILLED it! what a queen! #JBBStage #CapitalJBB @CapitalOfficial
— Sophie-Rose Jackson (@SophRoseJackson) December 5, 2015
In fact EVERYONE was loving her performance - even David Guetta from side of stage!
So @davidguetta is loving @JessGlynne right now #CapitalJBB @CapitalOfficial pic.twitter.com/5JdoCuPbHe
— Perry O'Bree (@PerryOBree) December 5, 2015
This #Gouldigger's post about Ellie Goulding says it all really, doesn't it?
— Laaannaaa (@GirlAlanah) December 6, 2015
You're welcome Fleur! We LOVED having you... and you TOTALLY brought that 'Sax'!
Love this snap from #CapitalJBB ! Thanks for having me @CapitalOfficial X pic.twitter.com/O5WAyrhibd
— FLEUR EAST (@FleurEast) December 6, 2015
The WSTRN boys were on TOP form - and they're so polite! We're really 'In2' them, not gonna lie...
O2 Arena! @CapitalOfficial! #CapitalJBB! It was a pleasurrrre, we love you pic.twitter.com/rkKkqUJqlS
— WSTRN (@WSTRNmusic) December 5, 2015
OK Jade from Little Mix is a girl after our own heart after this tweet. This is DEFINITELY how we'd celebrate performing to 16,000 fans!
Happy @CapitalOfficial #JingleBellBall to me I'll be dancing it off tomorrow it's fiiiiiiiiine xxjadexx pic.twitter.com/Ajwtm5HZKK
— Little Mix (@LittleMix) December 5, 2015
The #Mixers basically lost their s**t when the girls brought our Jason Derulo to sing 'Secret Love Song'. Can you blame them?
I LITERALLY HAVE BEEN BLESSED TODAY I LOVE SECRET LOVE SONG @LittleMix @jasonderulo #LittleMixAtCapitalJBB pic.twitter.com/6Ye4cfVTbh
— natalie louise (@luvmythirlwall) December 5, 2015
And when they heard it was OFFICIALLY the new Little Mix single... it ALL went cray cray
WHEN YOU REALISE #SecretLoveSong IS THE NEW SINGLE @LittleMix #LittleMixAtCapitalJBB pic.twitter.com/qzU5dvbaXQ
— victoria / TYSM LM (@jesymyqueen__) December 5, 2015
Oh those #Mixers love their ladies.. but they also LOVE taking the mickey as well!
.@ a friend who dances like this @LittleMix #LittleMixAtCapitalJBB #CapitalJBB https://t.co/lKw0svVJuP pic.twitter.com/BbunNXyrCU
— Capital (@CapitalOfficial) December 5, 2015
Nathan Sykes loved EVERY minute of being on that stage... and he was looking hella hot as well
Fun night @capitalofficial #CapitalJBB https://t.co/b5VweCj2gj pic.twitter.com/1SMiYC1ej1
— Nathan Sykes (@NathanSykes) December 6, 2015
The 'Over And Over Again' star even left some fans in tears! SO EMOSHE!
— N (@NJL_BITXH) December 5, 2015
And it was a #CapitalJBB for the Years And Years boys... we'll never forget that 'Toxic' cover!
JINGLE BELL BALL WAS SO FUN thank u @CapitalOfficial !! watch us do @britneyspears here: https://t.co/LT4CsOv7sv pic.twitter.com/e9YIjos8u5
— Years & Years (@yearsandyears) December 7, 2015
Some fans came a VERY long way to see Olly and the gang... and now they can't get that Britney cover out of their heads!
Came all the way from Belgium to see @yearsandyears @ #CapitalJBB and it was soooo good I'll be obsessed with Toxic for the next 10 years
— Stefanie Willen (@StefanieWillen) December 7, 2015
David Guetta basically #owned for his closing DJ set on the Saturday
LONDON! You tore the roof off @TheO2 last night - Loved partying with you <3 #CapitalJBB pic.twitter.com/fo3cVhwbw6
— David Guetta (@davidguetta) December 6, 2015
Couldn't have said it better ourselves TBH...
David Guetta knows how to make it a party. #CapitalJBB https://t.co/cxlqL11dT0
— AlissaNicolle (@RatchetGuiseppe) December 9, 2015
The build-up to Bieber was almost too much for some members of the #Beliebers...
@CapitalOfficial uk beliebers right now #LondonsReadyForJustin pic.twitter.com/UuDfBYeSCB
— I MET HIM (@AcousticBi3ber) December 6, 2015
The #Beliebers were more than a little excited to see their boy... some had waited YEARS to experience Justin Bieber live
#LondonsReadyForJustin I AM SO READY IVE WAITED 6 YEARS TO FINALLY SEE HIM #CapitalJBB @CapitalOfficial @justinbieber
— emily//BUY PURPOSE (@emzdbiebs) December 6, 2015
This Belieber could NOT deal with the #FOMO...
@CapitalOfficial I would like to be here but I live in Latin America :c pic.twitter.com/WuRqm6KGr2
— #PreOrderPurpose :) (@BizzleFeatCyrus) December 6, 2015
In fact it may just have been the best night EVER to be a Justin Bieber super-fan...
— JUSTINS KIND HEART (@smilebeth1994) December 6, 2015