Ooh-Err! What's Made Harry Styles Make THIS Face Then?! Check Out His Best Vine Faces!
22 July 2014, 08:51 | Updated: 27 August 2014, 15:12

We LOVE Harry Styles' face, especially when he is making a shocked one like this. But what made the One Direction hotty react like this?
Harry Styles gives GREAT face - so we had the unenviable task (only kidding, we begged to do it) of looking at LOTS of videos of his lovely self to bring you this collection of his best ever Vine faces. You can thank us later.
1. The Flying Condom
We are all for safe sex but we're not sure condoms are very effective if you blow them up and throw them at people, soz. Harry clearly was NOT expecting one of those to come flying towards him in the middle of this gig, resulting in the BEST. FACE. EVER.
2. The Jiggy Jiggy Dance Face
It starts with that amazing smile, and then turns into something else altogether. Ladies and gents, we bring you what we like to call the 'Jiggy Jiggy Dance Face'.
3. Bra Catcher Face
We're not sure what Harry was reaching out to catch, but it doesn't look like a bra was on his list… he got rid of it sharpish!
4. Magical Mr Styles
Where wll he pop up next?! Nobody knows. We can only hope the next place he appears is RIGHT HERE. (We can dream)
5. The Crotch Grab
Because… do we even need an excuse?
6. The 'Pied' Face
There's nothing worse than someone pieing your fist bump - except when there are thousands of people in the audience to capture the moment. Harry's face is IMMENSE.
7. The Happy Dance
Oh Harry, you and your legs look like a sprightly little elf bouncing through the woodland.
8. Banana Face
The old rule of 'never look anyone in the eye while eating a banana' doesn't count if you are Harry freaking Styles!
Oh Harry, we love you and your wonderful face!