Harry Styles's Main Fashion Accessory Is A Fan-Made Bracelet

11 September 2020, 16:10

Harry Styles wearing a fan-made bracelet
Harry Styles wearing a fan-made bracelet. Picture: Getty

Harry Styles once again shows his loyalty to his legions of followers by wearing a bracelet made by one of biggest fans.

Harry Styles' fashion sense is one to be envied by all. Whether it's rocking a pearl necklace with a cardigan or a full body lace jumpsuit, we all pretty much agree that there are outfits that only the 'Fine Line' singer could truly pull off.

However, a certain accessory keeps dominating his choices when it comes to flinging on his garb each day. Guess what... it's a bracelet made by a fan!

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Harry Styles is known for his impeccable taste in fashion
Harry Styles is known for his impeccable taste in fashion. Picture: Getty

Of course there are a lot of moments throughout Harry's career where he's showed love for his fans but to wear a bracelet time and time again is just a little bit special isn't it.

On a Twitter thread devoted to Harry and his fans, one follower wrote, 'He is always so great with all his fans it's commendable!', with another adding, 'THIS MAN GOT MY WHOLE DAMN HEART. HE'S JUST SOOOO ADORABLE. HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LOOOVE THIS MAN.' Yes, that quote was in all caps, because, well, Harry.

This enthusiasm is pretty standard for the Harry stans, it was only the other day that the 1D faithful were left in tears after Harry shaved off his lockdown moustache.

Fans are now enquiring where they can also get their own bracelet - so, mystery fan, come forward because you might just be in to make some fat cash.

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