9 Painful Steps It Always Takes To Convince Your Lazy Mate To Go To The Gym With You

2 February 2017, 13:08 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Gym Buddy Bad Neighbours

We ALL know how hard it can be to drag yourself to the gym but when your bestie is by your side it makes it that lil bit easier.

Your kit is packed, you've got your favourite playlist at the ready and you're actually feeling a little excited. Now you just need to convince that one friend to come with you. Oh dear...the battle begins...

WATCH: Turns Out Dancing To ‘Single Ladies’ Is The PERFECT Gym Motivation! #WhoKnew

You'd think it would be as simple as Whatsapping them a time and that'd be it....WRONG! Here's what actually happens...

1. They will always forget their kit...always.

Come on, you're able to put the clothes on your body with ease, why can't you just lob some into your bag. Unless you're walking around in the nude in every day life, "forgetting your kit" is never a valid excuse.

2. They'll conveniantly need to be somewhere else at the exact time you planned to gym.

"It's my nan's haircut-birthday...it's the anniversary of my nan's cat's anniverary...I have to go and see......BYE".

3. They'll flat-out just start ignoring your DMs.

That moment those ticks go from blue...to grey....to just one tick....ARGGHHHH.

4. It is at this point you realise you'll need to go to their house and physically force them to come.

Just remember to keep telling them all the benefits..."you'll feel fiitter, healthier, more enegertic.......you can never eat chocolate again, you'll look red after every workout..." Hmm maybe just kick the door down.

5. All that free-weight training will pay off as you literally drag them to your car.

Just think of this part as an extra 10 minutes of resistance training.

6. They will do whatever they can to distract you whilst you drive your way to the gym.

Expect screaming, suggestions to turn off and get a cheeky Maccy Ds and there's a possibilty they'll straight up barrel roll out of the window.

7. In there, they will definitely treat a gym session like a modelling shoot.

Ditch the glasses, we're here to sweat not to see how many looks we can get in the space of 45 minutes (mainly because it is usually zero...cry cry).

8. They will have a sudden burst of inspiration and believe they're a gym queen (it will be temporary).

You have two options here. 1. Back away veeerry slowly or 2. Embrace it, join in and crash out in similar fashion.

9. However after justONE workout your BFF will be like...

Ahh, let them have just this moment. You gotta love the spirit.

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