Idris Elba choking on chicken wings has become a meme and it's hilarious
14 August 2019, 12:56
There's an Idris Elba meme for every occasion...
Human God Idris Elba gave an interview recently that was a *little bit* out of the ordinary. Appearing on First We Feast's Hot Ones - a show that sees celebrities be interviewed while eating increasingly spicy chicken wings - Idris started off pretty impressively.
All seemed to be going well until he had to face a hot sauce called ‘Da Bomb: Beyond Insanity’, which reaches an incredible 135,600 on the Scoville scale and inadvertently started a new meme.
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Now, we’re not hot sauce experts, but we’re guessing ‘Da Bomb’ is pretty hot, considering Idris coughed, spluttered and uttered a string of expletives while staring at the interviewer in disbelief. It also makes perfect meme content.
Idris Elba choking on chicken wings has become our new favourite meme because it’s so applicable to so many situations.

Idris Elba Wants to Fight While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
There’s this one, which is basically us in Nando’s every single time...
When you’re enjoying your Nando’s and the worker comes to ask you why you have Fanta in a water glass
— 45🎒 (@Gio45ive) August 12, 2019
This one is for your overly prepared colleagues who somehow manage to bring in their lunch every single day...
...EVEN when they’re hungover.
How meal preppers really be by day 5
— Nah, You Good. (@uglynewyork) August 10, 2019
Or how about this one?
It’s like Idris Elba x Chicken Wings, but make it biblical...
During the meal Jesus said, "I tell you, one of you will betray me”
— less is mo ... (@_lessismaur) August 12, 2019
We’ve all met this guy… (or, maybe we *are* that guy?) 🤔
When you’re eating at a restaurant and she randomly asks “what are we?”
— Deeps🥤 (@Shallows_C) August 11, 2019
But, please, just don’t be *this* guy…
When you're enjoying your date and she asks about your girlfriend
— Chairman (@Chris_Topper) August 12, 2019
This one’s for all us millennials, who love to spend £568,976 on avocados instead of a house...
Ffs, hate it when I accidentally spend my house deposit on avocados...
When people actually eat Avocado & toast after uploading the pic to instagram
— PENTONE 🔰 (@MonClapped) August 13, 2019
And who could forget the classic ‘wow this food is bad!!’ one…
When it’s chicken Alfredo again but you need a place to stay
— ⚜️🖤 𝔼 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕡 🖤⚜️ (@LilBreauxSkee) August 9, 2019
An Idris Elba meme for every occasion. Truly.