The 'I Am Your Valentine challenge' is making everyone do weird hand gestures
2 May 2019, 17:04
The 'I Am Your Valentine challenge' is back and it's even made its way to Hollywood.
What would the internet be without its challenges? A dark place, that's what. From the DNA TikTok challenge to the pointless drink water challenge, the internet has us doing so many weird and wonderful things and we really don't know why.
The latest viral trend is the 'I Am Your Valentine challenge' and it's exposing the lonely singletons amongst us.
To take part all you need to do is pinch your fingers together, kind of like a clipping motion, at your lover. The idea is that your other half will place their chin in the palm of your hand. Aww.
Not everyone knows how to react when they see it though, which leads to general confusion and hilarious reactions.
The challenge actually started back in 2018, but it's back with a vengeance, and even actress Jessica Chastain is taking part.
It's not always easy to get the reaction you're looking for.
Twitter lied to me. This doesn’t work
— Corlin. (@OGCORLIN) April 26, 2019
I sound like a panting dog 😭
— ◬ (@vickysssecrets) April 28, 2019
— Savanah Bagel (@BavanahSoyle) April 27, 2019
Didn’t work for me either lol
— Sauna (@Beatty24) April 27, 2019
No this does not work 😂 excuse his hair, we just woke up
— Hailee Cotten (@HaileeCot10) April 28, 2019
“Do you want FOOD??”
— rayy (@__raina) April 27, 2019
Sometimes it actually works.
She is so precious 😭😭😭
— ᴛʀờɪ đấᴛ ơɪ (@rebelliousmary) April 27, 2019
It works 😍🥰😂
— Tina Baby 🥀 (@Caiiruhh) April 28, 2019
Idk what ur talking about mine works fine. You should get a refund
— Cutie Sans-the-Bootie (@oneteamoftwo) April 28, 2019
Sadly, it kind of exposes the singletons among us who have no-one to beckon. Just sad.
Aint got a bae but it worked
— Shanks (@henry_babs) April 28, 2019
my single ass seeing all these cute couples in the comments
— fatiguée (@rxckystallone) April 27, 2019