New Homes Plan For Newcastle

9 July 2013, 06:28 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50

Newcastle city council's announced plans for 21,000 new homes and 14,000 new jobs in the city.

The Core Strategy and urban Core Plan will unlock potential and help mobilise a new generation of skills, jobs and homes.

The Plan sets out how land in the city will be used for housing, employment and business to help Newcastle and Gateshead take their place among Europe's most prosperous cities in the economy of the future.

The Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan, which is submitted to cabinet on 16th July, prepares the ground for a successful future with 14,000 new jobs and 21,000 new homes for a growing population.

More than 70% of these new homes, 15,000 will be on urban and brownfield sites, including new land which has been re-allocated from employment use to housing in Newburn and Great Park.

The council's Future Homes Fund will invest £25m over the next three years to reinvigorate the housing market and to help accelerate the development of brownfield sites.

Around 2,000 of the urban homes have been allocated for the city's flourishing student population and there will be land released from the Green Belt for 6,000 new homes, investing in the future growth and vitality of our villages and neighbourhoods.

The Plan will be subject to a final statutory round of consultation from 9 Sept - 21 Oct with the responses considered by the City Council (Cabinet and Full Council) before the Plan is approved for submission to the Secretary of State for consideration and Examination by an independent planning inspector.

Councillor Nick Forbes, Leader of Newcastle City Council, said:
"This is a major step forward for our city. It creates the foundations for Newcastle to grow and to play a part in the global economy of the future.

The Plan will help create a confident, competitive business sector, thriving communities and new skills, jobs and homes for the next generation.

It is a prospectus for success; replacing unfairness and inequality with opportunity. It protects the things which are precious to us and which make Newcastle unique, whilst remaining outward looking and open to the innovation and dynamism that all successful cities need.

The Plan ensures that the right land is in the right place for economic growth, business expansion and job creation and that it is aligned to the city's future needs."

The Plan proposes that, as the key economic hub for the region, the city's modern public transport system will connect Newcastle to the world through 21st century road and rail links and a flourishing international airport.

The city's economic ambitions will be matched by a commitment to building stronger communities with homes that people need, tackling the inequalities which deny opportunities for families seeking a home they can afford in a sustainable community with access to facilities and services.

It will create the room needed for business expansion on new sites such as Science Central, East Pilgrim Street, Central Station, Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle Airport and the banks of the Tyne.

It will prioritise the urban core through the promotion of accelerated development zones, support new business plans for Newcastle Airport and focus on rapid growth sectors such as the marine technology and offshore centre in Walker Riverside.

The urban core of the future will become a vibrant, successful and age-friendly place; a first choice to do business, shop, study visit for leisure or live.