Halsey Has Thrown ALL The Shade At Demi Lovato, Claiming She Exploits Bisexuality & Now Demi's Hit Back On Twitter

27 June 2017, 12:42

Halsey and Demi feud

It's all about bisexuality in the music industry.

In a new interview with Paper magazine, singer Halsey got brutally honest about her feelings about bisexuality being exploited in the music scene. 

And she’s seemingly even called people out by name… well, by their lyrics if you want to be exact.

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“There’s bi-phobia from the straight community and from the LGBT community. There’s a lack of acceptance”, Halsey revealed. 

She continued that “it happens in TV all the time when people write bisexual characters as going through a phase or struggling with something. It’s part of some mental breakdown or rebellion storyline, and that just sucks”. 

Halsey also revealed that she thinks this taboo extends to pop music as she agreed with the interviewer that the closest thing to gay representation in pop songs is when they’re “sung by straight women, and they’re more about experimental hookups”. 

“Oh, yeah. Bixsexuality as a taboo. ‘Don’t tell your mom’ or ‘We shouldn’t do this’ or ‘This feels so wrong but it’s so right'", Halsey continued, appearing to get quite specific. 

Fans immediately called Halsey out on the use of lyrics in her answers as she referenced two pretty big singers: Katy Perry and Demi Lovato.

Twitter users thought that ‘Don’t tell your mom” is probably a reference to Demi’s “Cool For The Summer” whilst “this feels so wrong but it’s so right” is more than likely a reference to Katy’s “I Kissed A Girl”. 

However, Demi being Demi was keen to hit back and posted a bit of a fiery message on Twitter. 

A lot of fans were in support of Demi, however some think that she’s probably missed out on the point Halsey was trying to make.

Halsey appeared alongside The Chainsmokers' in the song 'Closer'...