This personality test reveals exactly how narcissistic you are

3 September 2020, 14:54

Psych Central's narcissistic personality quiz reveals if you're a narcissist
Psych Central's narcissistic personality quiz reveals if you're a narcissist. Picture: Psych Central, Pop TV
Sam  Prance

By Sam Prance

Psych Central's narcissistic personality quiz also reveals how vain, entitled and self-sufficient you are.

Psych Central's narcissistic personality quiz is breaking the internet and it reveals how much of a narcissist you REALLY are.

The internet is no stranger to viral personality tests. Over the course of the past few years alone, we've seen people take on everything from the IDRlabs sexual orientation test (it tells you exactly where you sit on the gay, straight, bisexual, asexual spectrum) to ShindanMaker's personality test (this one lets you know exactly how stupid, horny and cursed you are).

READ MORE: QUIZ: We know where you sit on the moral axis based on your Netflix opinions

And now there's a new personality test. Psych Central's narcissistic personality quiz helps you find out if you're a narcissist.

The quiz is simple. All you have do is read a series of 40 either-or statements and pick the ones that you think best describe you. Psych Central then use science to determine how narcissistic you are and it even reveals how vain, entitled and self-sufficient you are. Not to mention, it also tells you if you have a superiority complex and if you're an exhibitionist.


At the end of the quiz, you are given an exact score out of 40 and it tells you how you compare to everyone else. According to Psych Central, "Between 12 and 15 is average. Celebrities often score closer to 18. Narcissists score over 20." The test was made to help find out if people have narcissistic personality disorder and if they need treatment for it.

The website reads: "Narcissistic personality disorder involves a persistent pattern of thoughts and behaviors characterized by grandiosity, an overwhelming need for admiration, and a lack of empathy toward others and their needs or feelings. A person with disorder believes they are the centre of the universe and all attention should be paid to them.

Most people with this disorder don’t see their behaviour as being particularly problematic until it starts to negatively impact their life in meaningful ways (such as losing a job, a relationship, etc.). Narcissistic personality disorder can respond to different types of treatment, usually involving psychotherapy."

You can find out more about narcissistic personality disorder here.