Tour De Yorkshire Locations Revealed
9 October 2015, 12:48 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50
Dig out your bunting and dust off your lycra...the locations for the start and finish lines for next year's Tour de Yorkshire have been announced.
They are...Beverley, Doncaster, Otley, Scarborough, Middlesbrough and Settle.
We've not been told though which places will be involved in which days of the race.
Then race itself will take place over 3 days at the beginning of May next year.
Gary Verity, Chief Executive of Welcome to Yorkshire, has told us "We're thrilled. The team put a lot of work in to make this happen again, and to go to five places we've never been to before in terms of hosts i.e. starts or finishes, and to go back to Scarborough which was so special this time. We're really, really pleased."
There were 14 applications - so why were these chosen?
"We like to go to some places we've not been to before, some places we would keep in so there would always be a consistenecy with the previous edition. We have to have three stages that are all different, two hilly ones, one flat one. So that obviously comes into the mix. We have to take in East Yorksshire, South Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, so that comes into the mix. So it's a bit like designing a giant sudoku."
1.5 million people turned out to see this year's race, back in May.