Cannabis Find At Cardiff Mental Hospital
11 August 2014, 17:44 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50
South Wales Police say a cannabis factory has been found in the grounds of Whitchurch Hospital in Cardiff.
Detectives came across the plants while searching for a missing person at the end of June.
Thirty plants - along with ultra violet lights and ventilators - were found in a disused ward in the grounds of the hospital.
Abigail Harris, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board's director of planning, said: "We would like to reassure the public the health board's security teams carry out regular patrols of all our sites.
"This has happened in a small corner of a big hospital in an area that was sealed and unused for many, many years. It is a highly unusual and isolated case which is being carefully reviewed with police.
"The health board is doing all we can to support the investigation and find those responsible.
"We would encourage anyone with information about this incident to contact the police."