A-Level Students Achieve More A* Grades

14 August 2014, 17:43 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50

A-Level students across Wales are celebrating as more achieve A* results.

The number of teenagers getting the highest grade is up from 6% in 2013 to 6.7% - the highest number since the grade was introduced in 2010.

A* and A grades increased from 22.9% last year to 23.3% this summer.

The passrate is down slightly from 97.6% to 97.5%.

Welsh Education Minister Huw Lewis said: "Last year I was a little concerned about the trend that was emerging. This year we're seeing a reversal of that downward trend - we are on the way up.

"The gap with England getting smaller, year on year, across the border as a whole."

If you or your child didn't get the grades needed there is plenty of help available here:

