Trucker Jailed After Crash Death In Middlesbrough

A lorry driver from County Durham has been jailed for causing death by dangerous driving

John Kirk has been jailed for 5 years after killing a fellow lorry driver in a crash near Middlesbrough. 

Teesside Crown Court heard the 26 year old had previously been looking at porn while he was behind the wheel and had fallen asleep moments before the crash on the A19. 

Family man Andrew Nimmo was killed instantly. 

The court heard the 24 year old from County Durham was due to marry his fiancee Janine this year. 

His parents said;

 `The loss is unbearable to cope with. We will never get over this terrible, uncontrollable grief.''

The prosecution said Kirk had slept for as little as four hours in the 31 hours prior to the accident.

He'll now spend five years behind bars and has been banned from driving for the same amount of time.