North East People Unhappy With Social Life
16 November 2011, 12:47 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50
Almost half of people in the North East are unhappy about their social lives with a third saying money worries keep them at home on Saturday nights, according to a poll.
More than one in five said they stayed in every Saturday night and almost a third said they liked to stay in because they needed to relax.
One in ten said they did not want to miss their favourite television shows.
More than one in four of those quizzed said they did not go out at all in a typical week while a fifth said they had an average of one night out a week.
Saturday was the most popular night to go out, chosen by 38%, followed by Friday (33%).
Going for a meal was the most popular way to spend an evening out, chosen by 39%, while 36% chose going to the pub.
Around one in eight (13%) would most like to go the cinema, while 6% chose a theatre trip, 3% would like to watch sport and 3% favoured going to a nightclub.
Nearly two thirds of people in the North East said they did not have a hangover in a typical week but 26% said they had a hangover once a week and less than 1% confessed to being hung over more than four times a week.
Lloyd Price, a spokesman for, which carried out the study, commented: "People in the North East have a reputation for always being out having a good time but our survey shows that perhaps people aren't as sociable as we might think.
"Money worries are certainly having an impact but it's clear that people would welcome new ways to meet like-minded people to improve their social life.''