Sussex Prisoners On The Run Named
18 June 2014, 16:00 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50
Sussex Police has decided to proactively publish the names and crimes of those who have absconded from the prison whose convictions were for violent offences. (Pictures below)
Three of the men were jailed for murder and the others were jailed for violence or robbery.
Superintendent Lawrence Hobbs said:
"We have assessed the cases of each and every prisoner who is currently wanted after absconding from Ford Prison and decided these men need our attention the most, considering how likely they could be to commit more crimes.
"We have no evidence that any of these men are a danger to the public but because of the offences they have previously committed we cannot rule it out.
"We need the public's help to track each and every one of them down and return them to custody.
"Some of the men may have absconded a number of years ago and may not have broken the law since then but justice has not been done in any of their cases as they still need to complete the sentences they were originally given.
"If you have any information at all about where they could be, please contact us."
The Ministry of Justice determines which prisoners should be sent to Ford.
David Blood, 48, absconded from Ford at some time between 8.30am and 1pm on Thursday 12 June this year.
He was jailed for life at Stafford Crown Court in 2003 after he was convicted of robbing a post office in Wylde Green with a number of other men in the West Midlands in December 2000.
Robert Donovan, 57, was jailed after he stabbed to death a man in the street in London's West End when he was 17. In December 1974 he was jailed for life for the murder.
He left Ford Prison on day release in June 2010. He did not return and officers have been unable to trace him since.
Steven Evans, 55, was jailed for life in February 2003 after he was convicted of assault. After getting into an argument with his victim, Evans waited six hours for him in a Southend car park and then attacked him with a metal bar.
He has previous convictions for robbery, handling stolen goods, wounding and firearms offences.
He absconded from Ford Prison in March 2013.
Craig Hayler, 30, absconded from Ford Prison on 10 March this year. He had been jailed for 30 months for a burglary in Poplar Avenue in Hove in December 2012. Hayler has a series of convictions for burglary, theft and fraud offences.
Arben Nuredini, 39, also known as Arben Alizoti, was jailed for seven years in December 2004 for wounding. He absconded from Ford Prison in January 2005.
Timothy O'Leary, 59, was jailed for life for the murder of a fellow traveller in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, in September 1981. O'Leary, who also uses the name Timothy McCarthy, absconded from Ford Prison in March 1997.
Derek Passmore, 49, walked out of Ford Prison on 22 June 2013 on day release. He was serving a sentence of life imprisonment for the murder of a man in a street in Hampton, Middlesex, in October 1996.
Christopher Street, 62, was jailed for seven years at Croydon Crown Court in August 1999 after he was convicted of conspiracy to rob and firearms offences. He already had convictions for burglary and firearms offences. He absconded from Ford Prison in November 2001.