Jahmel Jones: Trial Starts Over Southampton Murder

14 January 2014, 06:13 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50

The trial starts today of three men and a woman charged over a fatal shooting in Southampton.

23-year old Jahmel Jones was found with a gunshot wound at a property in St. Marys Street on Saturday 20 April 2013, and died in hospital.

Pierre Lewis, 20, from Castlenau, Barnes, London; Jemmikai Orlebar-Forbes, 20, from Cloudesdale Road, London; and Isaac Boateng, 22, from Mill Farm Crescent, Hounslow, London all deny murder.

Boateng also denies conspiracy to supply crack cocaine and heroin but Lewis and Orlebar-Forbes have already pleaded guilty.

35-year-old Rachel Kenehan, from Hewlett Road in London, denies drug charges and perverting the course of justice.

Their trial is due to start today (Tuesday 14 January) at Winchester Crown Court, and is due to last six to eight weeks.