Nagging grans to help improve driving
2 May 2019, 14:10

Young male drivers will be told to "imagine gran is in the car with them" by the Scottish Government in an attempt to reduce crashes.
Grandmothers are set to appear in the back of cars to nag about unsafe driving as part of an advertising campaign targeted at young Scottish men.
Scottish men between the ages of 20 and 29 are most likely to be involved in accidents, with 2,040 in the last year resulting in 314 deaths or serious injuries, according to official figures.
Research into driving behaviour found young men believe they drive better with "precious cargo" in their car, such as elderly relatives.
The campaign, with a series of TV, radio and cinema adverts, hopes to make overconfident drivers take notice of their behaviour.
Organised by Scottish Government and Road Safety Scotland, the adverts will feature thee appearance of older women telling off young drivers for using their phone or speeding.
Michael McDonnell, director of Road Safety Scotland said: "Young men are prone to overconfidence in their abilities, a misplaced sense of control and a desire to push themselves and their cars to the limits.
"This campaign will address some of the key contributing factors that lead to casualties on Scotland's roads in a way that young men will take notice of.
"Next time the drivers see themselves slipping into bad habits, they should imagine gran is in the car with them."
Christine Hinshelwood, a Scottish grandmother who took part in the radio advertising, said: "The thought of my grandson being involved in an accident or, God forbid, being the cause of one just doesn't bear thinking about.
"This campaign struck a real chord with me so I jumped at the chance to get involved and help spread the #DriveSmart message.
"I'm sure the campaign will be a real success and I hope young men take the message to heart."