MSPs Review Plans To Generate More Cash For Uni's
How to increase uni funding in Scotlands expected to feature high on the agenda at a cross-party summit on higher education later.
The Education Secretary Michael Russell is gonna set out the findings of a report into the future funding options at the meeting in Glasgow.
The review looked at how to increase income for universities and address the potential funding gap between Scotland and England, where the UK government has announced it expects average fees to be around £7,500 a year.
Mr Russell said he was committed to ensuring the Scottish higher education sector remained internationally competitive.
Speaking ahead of the summit, he said an analysis of the report revealed the net funding gap in Scotland would be £93 million in 2014/15.
Mr Russell said: ``The Scottish Government will announce its final proposals on how we plan to fund universities in the coming weeks.''
Acting convener of Universities Scotland, Professor Sir Tim O'Shea, said the figures contained in the report showed the scale of the challenge facing universities.
He said: ``All of Scotland's political parties have made much valued promises to protect the quality and accessibility of university teaching and competitiveness of Scotland's universities.
``However, it has been important to us that before committing to a solution, politicians are aware of the scale of the financial challenge facing the sector and the viability of the options available to address it.''