Most Scots want more work flexibility
1 October 2018, 08:26

Around two-thirds of Scots would like their work to be more flexible, according to a survey.
Family Friendly Working Scotland surveyed more than 1,000 people and found 66% want some control over their hours, while 65% said they want some choice over where they work.
The organisation said a third of Scottish workers currently had at least some flexibility over their hours.
Nikki Slowey, joint programme director, said: "We've held on to the tradition of work meaning 9am to 5pm in the office for long enough.
"The majority of Scottish workers want at least some flexibility over when and where they work and this isn't compatible with the rigid model
we've clung to for more than a century.
"Dolly Parton may have made '9 to 5' an institution with her iconic song from the 1980s, but nearly 40 years on - and with even more evidence
to prove flexible working is good for business as well as making people happier - surely we can let go of our expectation that jobs must be
office-based 9am to 5pm and make flexibility the norm."