Hundreds Stranded in East Coast Mainline Body Chaos

25 July 2011, 09:47 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50

After a body was found on the East Coast Mainline, hundreds of passengers were stranded for 4 hours in the North East.

Services were suspended on the East Coast Main Line after a man's body was found near Grantham, a spokesman for East Coast Trains said.

Seven northbound and six southbound trains, containing a total of 1,800 people, were affected.

One train was in a tunnel and another was in an open area, while the rest were sitting at stations, the spokesman said.

He added: "We have been very concerned for the welfare of our passengers and tried very hard to keep them comfortable with food and water on board.''

It was not clear how many passengers chose to get off the stationary trains.

BTP officers and Lincolnshire Police attended the scene after receiving reports of a body on the line at about 9.15pm.

A BTP spokesman said: "Inquiries are continuing to establish the identity of the man and the circumstances leading up to his death.

The incident is currently being treated as unexplained. A file will be prepared for the coroner.

he train involved has yet to be established and inquiries are ongoing.''