Cases Of Gonorrhoea In North East Up By 28%
31 May 2012, 06:05 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50
More than 20,000 people in the North East were diagnosed with a new sexually transmitted infection last year according to the Health Protection Agency.
A total of 20,602 new cases of STIs were diagnosed in the North East last year compared to 20,567 in 2010.
The number of cases in the region may be stabilising despite a small increase of 2% nationally.
The five most commonly diagnosed STIs, both nationally and locally, continue to be chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital herpes and genital warts.
In the North East, the most commonly diagnosed STI continues to be chlamydia, with 10,724 new cases, although cases have decreased by 3% from the previous year.
The STI which increased the most in the region last year was gonorrhoea with cases rising 28% from 600 in 2010 to 769 in 2011.
This increase is also being seen nationally with cases going up by 25%.
New diagnoses of herpes also increased over the period although cases of syphilis and warts seem to be stabilising.
Dr Kirsty Foster, sexual health lead for the HPA in the North East said:
"These latest figures show that, in common with the rest of the UK, poor sexual health continues to be a serious problem in the North East.
The sharp rise in gonorrhoea cases is a particular cause for concern, as we know drug resistance is emerging and we can no longer rely on treatment alone.
These are all preventable infections and it's crucial that we continue to communicate messages about safe sex, including condom wearing, and the importance of getting checked out if you've had unprotected sex with a new partner.
Quick diagnosis is of the essence, so anyone who thinks they may have put themselves at risk of contracting an STI, or who has symptoms of an STI should go to their local GUM clinic at the earliest opportunity."