Sisters Jailed For Drug Money Laundering
The sisters of convicted drug dealers have been jailed today after admitting money laundering with drug money.
Today at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court, 33 year old Surriya Bi was jailed for 22 months and her 38 year old sister Asia Bi for 18 months.
At an earlier hearing the sisters, both of Park Road, Rochdale, admitted money laundering to the value of £40,000 each.
Both women were also ordered to pay back £40,000 within six months or face a further 12 months in prison and still be liable for the payment.
The two sisters have two brothers who are both convicted drugs dealers.
The women aided their siblings’ by laundering money made from their drug dealing.
Detective Constable Gerard Fisher, said: “Between them these two sisters have laundered £80,000: money provided by their brothers and their associates from drug dealing activities.
“This has been a long, drawn out inquiry that we first started in 2010.”