Puppy Found Buried Alive In Leyland
2 May 2019, 10:38 | Updated: 2 May 2019, 10:39

The RSPCA has launched an investigation after a puppy was found wrapped up in a bin bag and buried alive in a field in Leyland.
A dog walker was out on Saturday (27th April) training their working dogs when they made the discovery.
RSPCA Inspector Alison Fletcher, who is now investigating, said: “When the dogs didn’t return their owner went to find them and realised they’d sniffed out a mound of disturbed earth in the middle of the field. When they looked closely they spotted a little cream-coloured head poking out of the ground. The puppy had been wrapped up in a bin bag and buried alive.”
The 9-wee-old puppy was found in a field off Shaw Brook Road, behind Worden Park.
The dog walker took the tiny male pup home and immediately alerted the RSPCA.
Inspector Fletcher added: “The puppy is around nine-weeks-old and we believe he is a Pomeranian type. He had a broken front leg and a broken rear leg so was unable to walk or move.
“It’s absolutely heartbreaking. What a hideous act of cruelty to walk out to the middle of nowhere, dig a grave and bury this poor puppy alive in the dirt. It’s disgusting.
“I can’t believe this little one was found, he was so lucky or he could have suffered the most unimaginably slow and painful death.”
The puppy was taken for urgent veterinary treatment but, sadly, vets determined that his injuries were so severe that the kindest option was to put him to sleep.
Inspector Fletcher said: “I am absolutely heartbroken that vets weren’t able to save this innocent, loving little puppy. He didn’t deserve this ending.
“We’ve now launched a full investigation into who would do such a heinous thing and I’d like to hear from anybody who recognises the puppy or who knows of anyone locally who has had a litter of Pomeranian type puppies recently, or who bought a Pomeranian pup but no longer has it.
“It’s extremely suspicious that this little pup had such serious broken legs which, seemingly, hadn’t been treated. And for someone to abandon him in such shocking circumstances, in what appears to be an attempt to kill him, is utterly shocking.
“Anyone who can help our investigation in any way can get in touch via our appeal line on 0300 123 8018.”