
20 October 2016, 07:20 | Updated: 20 October 2016, 07:27


Two Leicester mums, whose sons were stabbed to death, have been telling Capital how devastating it is to have to bury a child.

Amy Morgan's 16-year-old son Tyler Thompson was killed by a 19-year-old who stabbed Tyler in the chest last November, he's now in prison.

Cheryl Armatrading is the mum of 20-year-old Antoin Akpom, who was stabbed to death in September 2013.

Both mums are supporting Leicestershire Police's #LivesNotKnives campaign.

There have been a number of stabbings in Leicester recently and this week and weekend, the force are increasing their patrols to look for people carrying weapons.

A knife amnesty is starting today in Leicester, with six bins in six police stations.


Knife Bins

  • Mansfield House
  • Beaumont Leys
  • Braunstone
  • Spinney Hill
  • Keyham Lane
  • Hinckley Road

Superintendent Kerry Smith said:

'The bins will be in place for four weeks and I would urge anyone who carries a knife in public to take it straight to one of these bins and get rid of it.

'While overall knife crime has remained pretty stable over the last few years, the number of people caught in possession of knives has recently increased, and that is not only unacceptable but will not be tolerated.'