Birmingham School Celebrates As 12 Students Win Oxbridge Places
15 August 2019, 12:00 | Updated: 15 August 2019, 12:03

Pupils celebrating A-level success at King Edward VI High School for Girls in Edgbaston, Birmingham, included 12 students with the required grades for Oxbridge places.
Among those winning a place at Oxford was Aaliyah Wallace, who only looked at her results after going outside to be with her sisters, brother and parents.
The 18-year-old, from Kings Norton, Birmingham, achieved A* grades in French, Spanish and economics, and will study Spanish and Portuguese at Merton College, Oxford.
Thanking her family for their support during her studies, Aaliyah said: "They are literally everything to me. I put in as much work as I could. I am ecstatic, It's amazing."
Jessica Tedd, from Stourbridge, won a place at Brasenose College, Oxford, to read physics thanks to 4 straight A*s at A-level in physics, Maths, further maths and biology.
The 18-year-old, who was selected for the UK Astronomy Olympiad team earlier this year, said: "I felt huge relief when I saw my grades.
"Two months is a long time to wait for results so I'm glad, obviously, that I've managed to get into Oxford."
Commenting on a record set of A-level results at the school, including 35% of grades at A*, principal Ann Clark said: " I am delighted with these exceptional results which are a testament to the determination, hard work and commitment of our students, together with the professionalism and dedication of the staff."