Stone Roses Appeal Over Missing Manchester Lad

4 July 2012, 17:36 | Updated: 30 March 2016, 13:50

22 year old Christopher Brahney has not been seen since the gig at Heaton Park on Friday night and now the Stone Roses have made a personal appeal.

Concern is growing for Chris, who may have used the park and ride bus at Bowlee Park heading towards Middleton after the concert. 

In a statement released through police, the band said: ``If you saw Christopher at the end of the evening please get in touch with Greater Manchester Police and spread the word to everyone who came to the show. 

``Our thoughts are with Christopher's family and we all want to see him back at home safe and sound.'' 

Chris is thought to have been seen getting off a bus at the park and ride shortly before midnight on Friday. 

He was last seen by his friends at the gig at 11.30pm. He is white, slim, with short brown hair and was wearing a dark blue top, light blue shirt, maroon trousers and green wellington boots. 

48 thousand people have now joined a facebook page to try and help find him and his picture is all over the web and social media sites.

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 0161 856 7652.