Try & Watch The Vamps Take On 'The Mouth Guard Challenge' Without Laughing (It's Impossible)
13 October 2016, 19:47 | Updated: 13 October 2016, 19:48

We can't help to feel just a little sorry for James!
The Vamps joined Roman Kemp to chat ALL about their brand new single 'All Night' but we just couldn't resist playing a little game with them obv!
WATCH: The Vamps’ Tristan Evans Drums Up A Storm In The CRAZIEST Drum Solo We’ve Ever Seen
The foursome teamed up in pairs (Tradley and Jonnor for those die-hard Vampettes) and were challenged to say a list of words with the BIGGEST mouth-guards up in their grill. The team who could identify the most words said, are the winners!
Connor Ball Has Done An EPIC Twenty One Pilots Mash-Up... Dressed As All Four Members Of The Vamps
We think it is safe to say regardless of the result...James was NOT a happy bunny!
We can't wait to hear the rest of their album if 'All Night' is anything to go