Knife Checks At Southampton Club
Police are bringing a metal detecting knife arch to a club in Southampton this week as part of a month-long knife amnesty.
Throughout March people have been able to hand in knives and other illegal bladed weapons at secure bins at Southampton Central and Bitterne police stations - so far 179 have been handed in.
Tonight (Tuesday 19 March) the bins are being taken to Rhino Club on Waterloo Terrace from 9pm to midnight.
Anyone who carries a knife illegally will have the chance to safely surrender the blade and walk away.. If they want to get into the club, they will have to pass through the metal detecting knife arch.
Police officers will also be on patrol around the venues on London Road and Bedford Place throughout the evening.
It's being organised as part of Operation Fortress, a two-year campaign to reduce drug-related violence in the city.
Superintendent James Fulton said: "There are barely any knife incidents at licensed venues in Southampton and we want to keep it that way.
"Bringing the knife arch and amnesty bins to nightclubs will continue to help prevent any incidents and act as a deterrent. It will also help raise the profile of Operation Fortress among drinkers and clubbers in the city centre and what they can do to keep themselves and their friends safe.
"If anyone chooses to surrender a knife throughout the amnesty, it's another potentially dangerous weapon off our streets.
"I'd like to thank Rhino Club for supporting our efforts. Its management, like venues across the city, works closely with our licensing team on an ongoing basis to ensure the safety of their customers."