WATCH: Jade Thirlwall Went 0-100 Real Quick In The #CapitalJBB Pool; Now We're Kinda Scared Of Her!
4 December 2016, 14:59 | Updated: 4 December 2016, 17:08

NOTE TO SELF: Never leave Little Mix alone with a ball pool. Ever.
Dave Berry, George and Lilah brought their shared ball pool from home, as you do, to the #CapitalJBB. We thought we'd get a few of our stars to have a little chat in there, and it would be all fun and games.
Until Little Mix arrived...
> WATCH: Little Mix Flirt Their Hardest On Snapchat By Pulling The Most Hilarious, Oddest Faces!
@LittleMix's Jade OWNED the #CapitalJBB Pool Challenge!
— Capital (@CapitalOfficial) December 4, 2016
(That scream though...)
We had a chat with the girls in the ball pool, and it was all going swimmingly. And then - what we thought would be a laugh - Dave got Jade Thirlwall to chuck out some of the balls from the pit.
Just like her music and dance routines, she took this very, very seriously. Her hair was in her face. Her arms flailed like we've never seen before. She screamed at a decibel only certain animals could here. And about 90% of the crew in the room walked away with ball-shaped bruises.
Jade, you're always a winner in our eyes. Our slightly bruised eyes. <3