Katy's fashion fix

Newlywed Katy Perry has been speaking out about her style habits.

In an interview with People, the Firework’s singer explained;

 “I’ve always been girly…even though I was a tomboy.

“My mother said when I was a kid, I was changing for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don’t make it a big deal, I just do it.”

And now Katy’s  got a thing for latex dresses but realises she can’t wear them forever. “They have an expiration date and that’s why I’m wearing them now at 25” she said.

“I’m such a sucker for a theme, so if I go somewhere like Vegas, I’ll dress like Vegas! Or if it’s Christmas time, I’ll dress like Mrs. Claus!”

“I think sometimes with the themed stuff…’I won’t be wearing that to get my Starbucks today.’"

She added: “Although, maybe my whipped cream bra I’ll wear, because I’ll help [the baristas] out. ‘I got it! I got it! Hold the cream! No worries.’

Are you a fan of Katy’s fashion sense? Check out our pictures below to help you decide…

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