Photo: Who's Laughing At Jessie J's Foot Now?
The 'Price Tag' singer swaps her cast for some new footwear.
Jessie J has finally had the plaster cast removed from her broken foot after wearing it for nine weeks.
"At the hospital! This cast be goooinnggg!!!!," Jessie tweeted before getting it removed.
"Yes!! Moon boot with crutches next :)"
After a couple of months off from gigs, Jessie was back on stage at the Big Chill and is currently preparing for a big performance at V Festival this month where she'll be cast free.
But now Jessie has a new accessory for her foot in the form of a grey boot.
"My new shoe. Mmm grey the new black.. *NNNAATT*" Jessie posted with a picture.
"Wow it hurts :("