The Pride Flag Has Been Redesigned Again To Be More Inclusive

3 July 2018, 11:19

Pride Flag
Pride Flag. Picture: Getty Creative
Woodrow Whyte

By Woodrow Whyte

The project has already raised $25,000 in funding to produce the new flags.

If you cast your minds back to last year you might remember the controversy surrounding the Philadelphia pride flag, a redesign of the iconic Rainbow Flag created by Gilbert Baker back in 1978.

Including two new stripes, black and brown, it was created for the More Color More Pride campaign, which aimed to recognise non-white LGBTQ communities. The flag was controversial, however, as some felt the original pride flag already did a pretty good job at reflecting the diversity and multitudes of experiences within the LGBTQ+ community. But others felt that an update to the flag was necessary to be more inclusive of the marginalised groups within the community, especially queer people of colour and trans people.

As reported by them, the Philadelphia pride flag has now inspired another new flag. Designed by Daniel Quasar, the 'progress' flag aims to reconcile the differences of the Philly flag and give the pride flag "more meaning" for the wider community.

"Progress" Pride Flag
Picture: Daniel Quasar

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The new flag keeps the original 6 stripe LGBTQ flag, and then it adds the trans flag and marginalised community stripes (black and brown) to the Hoist of the flag and it's given a new arrow shape. Quasar said that the arrow points to the right "to show forward movement, while being along the left edge shows that progress still needs to be made. The black stripe is also meant to represent "those living with AIDS, those no longer living, and the stigma surrounding them."

Quasar started a Kickstarter to fund the production of the flag and has already raised $25,000, exceeding the initial $14,000 target. You can find out more information of the flag and donate over here.