An influencer went bald after attempting to bleach her hair on Instagram Live
2 July 2019, 16:18
"I thought I knew what I was doing."
When it comes to hair, it's probably best to leave it to the professionals. But sadly, YouTuber Lola Faith didn't get the memo. Lola took it upon herself to play hairdresser and the results were, um, not what she planned them to be.
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Lola, who hails from New York, wanted to bleach her hair and she decided to relax it first. A hair relaxer is the opposite of a perm and is applied to curly or frizzy hair to make it straight. The lotion or cream is pretty strong and chemically alters the texture of your hair – it can even melt through skin or a Coke can. So as you can imagine, that mixed with bleach is a recipe for disaster.
Lola gave it a whirl anyway and when she began running a comb through her hair after applying the bleach, it came out in clumps. To make matters worse, Lola was on Instagram Live at the time, which meant her 59,000 followers got a front row seat of her hair nightmare.

my hair fell out... and now im bald
Lola, who is now bald, knew that you shouldn't use bleach after a relaxer but thought she'd left enough time in-between treatments. Luckily, she's warmed to her bald look (which looks amazing, btw) and she's wearing it with pride.
"I feel so confident about my hair now," she told Metro. "People on social media have made me feel a lot better about the accident, telling me it suits my look.
"I didn’t know about the combination because I thought I knew what I was doing. I’ve had my hair relaxed before when I was younger but I would’ve never thought this would happen. My mum was really upset, but she helped me a lot with my confidence. Some of my friends laughed, which I don’t mind because I also thought I was funny."
Lola is pretty lucky to be fair. The harsh chemicals could have resulted in chemical burns on her scalp – ouch.
She continued: "My hair will grow back soon, but for right now I’m going to be rocking this new bald look!"