QUIZ: How bad is your taste in men?

16 April 2021, 19:41

QUIZ: How bad is your taste in men?
QUIZ: How bad is your taste in men? Picture: The CW, NBC
Katie Louise Smith

By Katie Louise Smith

And I couldn’t help but wonder… do I have bad taste in men?

In the words of the great Carrie Bradshaw (probably, at some point in her life, maybe): “And I couldn’t help but wonder… do I have bad taste in men?”

Of course, everyone has their own tastes and preferences when it comes to dating – and sometimes, the heart really does want what it wants! – so you probably shouldn’t take the results of this absolutely, 100%, scientifically inaccurate quiz to heart. It’s all just a bit of fun, innit?

That said, hit play on the quiz below and find out where your taste in men ranks on the scale.

QUIZ: What percentage generation snowflake are you?

QUIZ: What sort of person should I actually date?

QUIZ: Do you have a soulmate or are you destined to be alone?