Plans Announced For A 10 Million Pound Youth Employment Programme

Scotlands Finance Secretarys outlined ideas for a scheme to give out of work 16 to 24 year olds paid work in the voluntary sector.

Funding for the programme was first unveiled in the Scottish Governments budget for 2011/12 and its predicted it could help up to 2 thousand youngsters.

The Government says the Community Jobs Scotland plan would support young people who were unemployed for six months or more with a job in the voluntary, or third, sector in their community. Contracts would be of 25 hours a week or more for at least the minimum wage.

They also claim some older people will be given the opportunity in areas where unemployment is highest.

Finance Secretary John Swinney who launched the proposals said: ``This initiative will provide job opportunities for those who are finding it hardest to access employment, with training tailored to support each young person's future efforts to find work in the local job market.

``The training aspect is particularly important when married with the experience that sustained employment offers to those involved.''

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and the Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition will work with the Government on the scheme. Referrals would be made by Jobcentre Plus and Skills Development Scotland.

The launch follows Mr Swinney's budget announcements, which were voted through with support from the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives.